What Are the Benefits of Shockwave Therapy?

There are several benefits for this treatment that are attractive to patients, such as the high rates of success and satisfaction from clinical trials and the overall improvement for daily living and mobility. Other benefits for this treatment include:

Non-Invasive and Non-Surgical

This is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment, which means it does not require any invasion of the body tissue or any use of anesthetic for treatment. As a manual treatment, all aspects of treatment are done by manipulating the tissues of the body by directing acoustic energy to targeted treatment locations.

No Downtime

Because this is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment, there is no downtime associated with this treatment. All patients are free to return to their normal daily activities following treatment with very few restrictions, including work and errands. Patients are also allowed to drive themselves home after this treatment.

Treats Multiple Issues

In addition to treating knee, heal, hand, neck, back, shoulder, hip, and wrist pain, this therapy is capable of treating a wide range of health and pain concerns, including:

Achilles tendonitis and shoulder tendonitis
Achilles tendinopathy
Chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain (myofascial pain syndrome)
Heel pain/heel spur (Plantar fasciitis)
Tennis/Golfer’s elbow (radial/ulnar humeral epicondylitis)
Jumper’s knee (patellar tendonitis)
Muscle tension caused by painful muscular nodules (Trigger points)
Shoulder calcification
Achilles tendon pain (achillodynia)
Shin pain (Tibial stress syndrome)
Hip joint pressure pain (greater trochanter pain)
Bursitis (most joints)
Stress fractures
Mortons neuroma
Scar tissue
Hallux rigidus
Lymphatic drainage
Peyronie’s disease
Erectile Dysfunction

Stimulates Blood Flow

Reduced blood flow is sometimes the cause of health concerns, specifically weakened muscles and tissues, including those associated with poor collagen production and erectile dysfunction. The acoustic energy used in this treatment stimulates a greater flow of blood to areas of the body that benefit from enhancing the body’s natural regenerative abilities.

Reverses Chronic Inflammation

The cause of chronic pain is often chronic inflammation. Inflammation in the body is generally caused by injuries or abnormalities that does shockwave therapy hurt the body is trying to heal; however, does shockwave therapy hurt this inflammation does more harm than good and prolongs injuries or pain. This therapy releases cells from inflammation, allowing the body to fully heal and recover.

Dissolves Calcium Build-Up

Calcium build-up in the body, especially in joints, can limit mobility and range of motion. For example, calcium build-up in the rotator cuff in the shoulder can create a frozen shoulder, which does shockwave therapy hurt is when the shoulder is rendered incapable of a full range of movement. Calcium build-up in other joints is also a cause for stiff or limited movement.

Release Trigger Points

Trigger points are the cause of a lot of pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. You can think of the trigger point as being pent-up sources of tension in the body that create muscle stiffness around the spine. This treatment works as a targeted massage to release trigger points, which will release all tensions associated with back pain.

Interrupts Pain Neurotransmitter

Finally, this treatment interrupts the communication of the body’s main pain neurotransmitter, preventing it from sending messages to nerve receptors does shockwave therapy hurt in the brain. Some neuropeptides and neurotransmitters are associated with chronic pain, so this treatment blocks the majority of communication so your body will no longer send false pain messages.

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